After several teleconferences, knowing that I couldn't avoid a face-to-face meeting to discuss over the quality dispute, I called the boss to report the case and ready to go to my customer's factory in DongGuan.
The next morning, it still rained like dogs and cats after typhoon swept over the region the day before. My shoes were all wet when I reached LoWu customs. Luckily the driver were waiting for me at the pick up point on time. He told me certain parts of ShenZhen area might be covered in flood. However, he asked me not to worry cause he sure knew how to make some detours when necessary. Great! Don't know should I thank him or not?
I dozed-off and woke-up a few times in the car, then finally we arrived after a 2-hour-drive. QA people who departed from QingYuan called to tell they were stucked somewhere on the road way, and won't be there in another 1 hour time. Great! So, we went to find a good place for lunch. To be honest, this is the only fun thing about going on a China trip.
I dozed-off and woke-up a few times in the car, then finally we arrived after a 2-hour-drive. QA people who departed from QingYuan called to tell they were stucked somewhere on the road way, and won't be there in another 1 hour time. Great! So, we went to find a good place for lunch. To be honest, this is the only fun thing about going on a China trip.

Just when we bent to the main street, I saw this U.B.C Coffee. It seems a good place to spend some leisure time here.
The waiter opened the door, and it's pretty impressive to see this glamous 5 stars layout right in front of me. Wow, what a coffee shop !!
The coffee shop is a double stories setting. I didn't check upstairs. This is the spacious cushion seat at downstairs, we were happy to be seated here.

He asked me tough questions like :
1. Do you buy any stock?
2. What sort of stock you would buy?
3. How's the property market in HK?
That's enough to make my head spin. After some time, I had to give him hints like : Come on, give me a break, will you?
1 hour passed by fast. I paid the bill, which sum up to HKD150.
The driver was not being very courteous in ordering his meal too. He probably think it's the company's money, so why cares?
Anyway, this coffee shop is a very nice place to kill time. Quiet, comfy, bygone everything.
At the last 5 minutes, I quickly rehearsed the points to present in the meeting later that afternoon, though I don't think the customer would accept my explanation. This kind of conflict, normally won't going to be solved at my level. It involves politics as well...
Don't think my reader will be interested on how we are going to settle it, hehe...