This bird is not one of the participants in the show. Just a bird rested on tree top.
I don't know what this goat is called, but considering its size and its appearance, I would call it the King-of-all-goats.

My first time to see the rhinos kiss. Judging from the fence between them, guess the lady rhino over the fence must not be its wife.

Poor baby, the mom won't want to share its yummy foods with him.

Interesting, I wonder how big is an anteater before we can call it a giant anteater?

Giant Anteater from Honduras. Its size is almost the same like William. Giant?
(Sorry son, for I'd repeatedly used you as a comparison with those animals)Footnote : Being curious, I'd checked the
Wikipedia to find Honduras.
Ok, the place was formerly known as Spanish Honduras to differentiate it from British Honduras (now
Bezile). The country is bordered to the west by
Guatamala, to the southwest by El Salvador, to the southeast by Nicaragua, to the south by the Pacific Ocean at the Gulf of
Fonseca, and to the north by the Gulf of Honduras, a large inlet of the Caribbean Sea.
HELP, where the hell is Honduras?

Children's Theater, performers are big black bears, monkeys, goats, dogs and humans.
Oh, I don't know the black bears can actually throw things like we do. I think I read somewhere before that if one animal can walk like we do, they are highly intelligent.

There is one thing I'm very unhappy about the show...this particular trainer is very very rude to the bear. He deliberately threw ball towards the bear's chest very hard, and he pushed it very hard too. Bugger, if he ever kicked the bear, I would sure shout at him and thraw him spoilt egg myself. The loyal bear, so obedient that it never threw a tantrum once. Also, it tried hard to please the trainer by always tuck its arm around the trainer's and stay close to him. Shame for the trainer.

After the show, we continued our walk. Look at that gibbon, when it saw me, pointing my camera to him, he started to show off its stunt and pose still for me. Amazing. Thanks, pal.

The orangutan too, pose before my camera. Thanks.

Come to think of it, we are just a few evolution from the apes, and we basically came from the same genetic pool. Now then, I feel we are relatives to them.
Ahhem...feels so closed to them that I feel shy to look at his private part.

Just like any mother-and-son, or father-and-daughter on earth.

One of my hypothesis why the animals here look so happy and active...who won't like to stay in a place like playground? Besides that, this zoo reflects one thing : Big country, big house. Small country, small house.

Throw him nuts, he swim over to collect it. Wonder if I hold a banana in hand, will he jump to me?
With its proven breeding methods, Xiangjiang Safari Park cares for over 130 white tigers which accounted more than half of the world's white tiger population. After one week of observation, Lady Ramsay from AACL commented that “ Xiangjiang Safari Park is indeed one of the best natural wildlife reservation Sanctuary ”. Cool.

Both of the white tigers pose for me. How can I disappoint him. This one is on the left.

This one is on the right. They are so pretty.

I forgot to count, but I think there are around 10 white tigers lingering around here.

Not just white tiger they got, but white lions too. So cool.

And white pelicans too. Wait, is pelican white in colors?

And here got many dark swan too. They make the ordinary white swan looks so ordinally.

There is nothing too special about flamigo. But a huge crowd of flamigos will make them something special.

I seldom paid attention when I get to see flamigo, but this time. I noticed that when they sleep, they curve their long thin neck and put it on their back. Interesting.
The boys have endless energy, everywhere they go, they run.

Safari on wheels entry. A minute ago, the entrance was still clear and clean. A minute later, the long queue had formed.

Beginning in 2004, XSP has invited visitors to see the park by driving themselves around in the Safari on Wheels. XSP is the only place in mainland China where guests can take their own cars on the tour. Alternatively, visitors can travel in specifically designed zoo trains to enjoy the experience. Either way, the experience ensures that visitors will get up close to wild animals in their natural environments.

Those animal hats can make everyone looks cute in it, isn't it?
(cough cough)
The boys' lunch for that day, on the wheels, watching the animals along the road.
This cow came from Tibet.

This camel didn't drink enough water to make his front hump firm. Said by me.

Female deer?

Male deer? I think I heard the narrator said in summer time, patches can be seen on the deer's body.

Believe it or not, those baby bears stood up to welcome us. Hello, my friends.

Wow, white tigers again. Seriously, how many white tigers do they have here?

They even have lots of rhino here. No wonder they are proud of it.

Hippopotamus. They reminds me of Gloria as in the movie Madagascar.

Giraffes are friendly too. They came near to say hi to us.

Come to this place, the chances you can get to see a very Africa-scene is higher than in the Africa land.

I agree this is indeed the largest zoo in Asian. My legs began to feel sore at this point of time.

Suddenly, I heard William exclaimed : look, secret forest, then he ran into it. We followed him quickly. Frankly speaking, how I wish I can see some extinct animals from there.

But all we could see are birds, just some bigger birds. How disappointed. To compensate for the lost feelings, we took photos with the big birds in the secret forest anyway.

Looking back, we were damn so lucky that the birds didn't came to attack us from behind. They were like, 2 feet behind us.

Well, there is really nothing but birds. Why the heck they name it secret forest ??

Although tired, we continued to walk by following the zoo map. And there we entered the animal nursery. The babies animals are SOOooo cute.

We looked at this baby for a long time. He is an active one and his behaviour is not much difference from a human baby.

Vincent wanted to milk the cub so much. Ok, we paid RMB30, and the boys were allowed to feed it for a pathetic 1 minute, maybe less. Then it's other people's turn to feed it. We saw the cub sucked the milk as if it was very hungry. Poor baby. I think they never let the cub to drink till it full. They just use it to attract the visitors. Thinking of it make me feel very unethical.

The time was around 3pm. We took a break at the Giraffe Plaza, next to the giraffe feeding zone.
What was it thinking at that time? Or it doesn't need to think as foods were served right in front of it.

Isn't he looks like...aahhmmm...the orange patches buddy over there? Photo taken by William.

No way they can be as high as a giraffe, not even to half of its height.

Yes, me too. Really too tired by then.

It's a pleasant thing to do, I mean eat and watch the world feeding the giraffes at the same time. After 20 minutes or so, we felt half recharged.

We then continued to walk to the Australian Zone to visit the Aussie animals.

This is not a giant white rat, but a white kangaroo. And it's one 1 or 2 head, but quite a lot. As told, any animal that appears in white color is rare and precious.

The world's cutest animal, koalas have lived in Xiangjiang Safari Park since April 2006. In just one year since their arrival, the koalas have successfully bred 7 joeys, including an extremely rare pair of twins. In fact, they are the only koala twins in the whole world.

China Treasure Zone is located next to a hill which is covered with bamboos. With the total of 10 pandas here, Xiangjiang Safari Park becomes the zoo with the most pandas in China .
By the time we reached there, most of the pandas were taking their nap. No action, no attraction. We left the place fast.

They have been bugging to go to the children paradise for long. So there we go...

Yo, let's move it.

There are many rides here, like g0-kart, King Kong Tower, Kangaroo Jump, Animal Dodgems. Unfortunately, quite a long queue here. So, we didn't manage to cover all of them.
End up, we have to drag them to leave to go for the elephant show.

Brand New Elephant Zone. There are 5 newly born baby elephants living in the zone with their mums.

Thanks for the pose, dude.

The amazing elephant show is presented every day over here. Frankly speaking, this is the best elephant show I have ever seen.