Monday, May 11, 2009

Tomorrow Land

Tomorrow Land is not very tomorrow's feel.
Actually, I don't have many ideas how's our future world is going to look like? There is only one thing I can visualize here : Will the global warming eventually destroy our planet to a very severe level? Well, I keep my finger crossed that it's not too late to mend things over by now and ever.

Anyway, this is kid's Tomorrow Land, for sure.

He likes to think he is as mighty strong as Superman does.

The moving recycled-bin was pathetically bullied by the children who saw it. Emm...I think they should have programmed the robot to scare off the children, and not run away instead. That would be funny, haha..

Buzz is standing there to brief the visitors. But not many people were paying attention to him.

It's good that not many people were lining up to go in there. So, literary one could play as many times as they wish. For us, we played 2X for the 1st day, and 2X for the next day too. Ok, we feel very satisfied this time.

In average, Vincent got 20,000 points; William got 17,000 points; me got 27,000 points; husband got 100,000 points (hello, is it correct? or his counter has something wrong?)

Stitch Encounter is our 1st time. Heard many people said it's very hilarious to have real time interaction with Stitch. So, we definitely want to try it out this time.

Vincent was picked as one of the targets this time. It was indeed funny to see how Stitch was trying to make fool of him. Vincent was so happy about his encounter with Stitch that I'm sure he will remember it for a long long time.
William wanted to have this encounter for his own too, so we went back to give him a try. Too bad, he wasn't picked. And he was pretty unhappy about it.
Anyway, the formula of the interaction is pretty much the same like the previous one, probably it's the same for every show too. So, we lost our interest in it very fast.

The next morning, when we went back to this place again, we bumped into the "real" Buzz Lightyear. He made a lots of different poses for every single shot, tried to please everyone who queue for him. That's what 'professional' and 'dedication' all about, right. Thank you, for the man behind the heavy costume.
Well, so long for Tomorrow Land.*


Reanaclaire said...

coming by yr blog and reading yr post reminded me of my HK trip with my kids 2 years ago...
yeah.. real fun for the kids..
i dont think our country will have one like this .... as yet...

Reanaclaire said...

btw, how come so many spams here in this comment box?

Jessy MY Lee said...

Reanaclaire,thanks for dropping by.

I want to delete those long spams, but don't know how leh?

Sigh, don't know why anonymous did it?

Kev said...

Hi Jessy,

To block "Anonymous" messages, log into your Blogger account. In the Dashboard, click the SETTINGS link then when the next page opens, click the COMMENTS tab. Then you can select "Who Can Comment?". I did that because I'm tired to people making hatred comments when I don't even know them. (hope this works)

By the way, kids nowadays are very fortunate. They get to go to places where we've not got to go. Good experience for them, but for me, I'd rather have my kids learn the art of survival in the jungle. That's where they will learn to be tough and resourceful :)